
Love all of this <3 I try to have 3 books going at all times: one for personal growth, one for research, and one for fun. I'm currently reading "Discernment" by Henri Nouwen (personal growth), "Out of Focus" by Amber Cantorna-Wylde, and "The Black Unicorn: Poems" but Audre Lorde.

Also, chili crisps in oil are absolutely worth all the hype. I add them to ramen bowls all the time. When we have dumplings, I mix the chili crisps with soy sauce, fish sauce, rice wine vinegar, and the tiniest touch of honey.

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Yum! I love a ramen bowl. I'll have to add the chili next time. I'm not always working with this many books at once - the work one is required reading for Leadership Team at work; but actually it's very good!

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